Bible Auto-Concordance Web App

This web app searches for sentences, phrases or words in the King James Version Bible.​
Built using Natural Language Processing, the Universal Sentence Encoder and Streamlit, a front-end development framework in Python, designed for data scientists.
Chinese handwritten digit recogniser
Built with Tensorflow, Flask and Streamlit
Malay Word Embeddings
Built with Word2Vec and Tensorflow Projector

Marriage Equality "Twitter Sentiment Analysis" Tracker

Built with Tableau, NLTK, Twitter Development Platform and Google Cloud

Recent Data Science and Machine Learning Projects

Collatz sequence lengths of first 10 million integers in Apache Spark
This is an attempt to solve a famous intractable math problem.
Paul Erdos, a famous mathematician, has said "Mathematics is not yet ready for such problems"
I have published my findings and reflections in this Medium post.
The code is available in this Jupyter Notebook.